A Quantum Perspectice of a Psychic Reality
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A Quantum Perspectice of a Psychic Reality

  • Avatar of ric de yuga 😄
    ric de yuga 😄

Have you ever Gone and seen a Psychic??? Do you believe in Telepathic Abilities???

Have you ever known something is happening because of a gut feeling and were right even though you had no way to physically know it?

Do you think this is a mere coincidense or do you think there is more to this world than we can calculate?

"We Confused science words numbers and ideas with the real world" - Alan Watts

I believe this quote perfectly summarizes our current state of society, we are so caught up inside our minds we have lost our senses.

If we wait until everything is proved and measured before it exist we are living in a world where we are bound and limited by the tools we have to measure reality rather than the real world.

"Thers no miracle people, they got interested in this thing and learned all this stuff there just people theres no talent miracle ability to understand quantum mechanics to understand an electromagnetic field" - Richard Feynman

Quantum mechanics the universal consiouse is available to all if you are willing to learn to tap into it, These ideas can come to anyone not just physicist with degrees and qualification many of the Quantum theories that some of the brightest scientfic minds have discovered and theorized, are the same thing yogis and spiratualist have been saying for thousands of years.

I am not trying to make the claims that the scientific model is flawed because before the age of enlightenment trust over verifying lead to mis-information

but now in the age of informatiion we again have the problem of mis-information but we are still super limited by the scientific model as being able to make strides in the scientific physics community involves using complex maths to prove it to the rest of the community

How many brilliant ideas and posulates do you think have died with the people they have come to because they did not have the knowhow to write it into an equation even though their idea couldve revolutionized physics and the world we live in

Our current model limits these people and advancements to peole willing to become a physics master which is a very limited percent of the population

For example einstein spent his brilliant mind creating equations to prove to people he knew what he was talking about, but what did he create???

On the other hand Nikola Tesla didnt waste the time trying to prove to others he knew what he was talking about instead he put his proof in his pudding instead of on the paper. Tesla invented

  • Alternating Current (AC) Electrical System: One of Tesla's most significant contributions. While he didn't invent AC itself, he developed the first practical system for generating, transmitting, and utilizing AC power, which eventually became the predominant method of delivering electrical power worldwide.
  • Tesla Coil: An air-core transformer that produces very high voltages, allowing for the creation of long electrical discharges. It's used in many electronic devices and radio technology.
  • Rotating Magnetic Field: The principle behind most AC machinery in use today.
  • Induction Motor: An electric motor powered by alternating current. It's more efficient and reliable than earlier direct current (DC) motors.
  • Wireless Transmission of Energy: Tesla made early demonstrations of wireless energy transfer and had ambitious plans for its application, although many of these were never realized in his lifetime.
  • Radio: Tesla demonstrated the principles of radio nearly a decade before Marconi, but there was much controversy over patents and credit for the invention of radio, with Marconi often being credited as the father of radio.
  • Remote Control: Tesla demonstrated a remote-controlled boat in 1898, which can be considered one of the first examples of remote control.
  • Tesla Turbine: A bladeless centrifugal flow turbine expander.
  • Neon Lamps: Tesla made early experiments with these lamps and contributed to their development.
  • Shadowgraph: A method similar to X-ray imaging.
  • Magnifying Transmitter: A type of Tesla coil meant to conduct experiments in the wireless transmission of energy.
  • Electrotherapeutic Devices: Tesla believed in the therapeutic potentials of certain electrical devices.
  • Tesla Valve: A one-way valve with no moving parts.

Tesla Saw the world as all being one and there is no vaccume that we are all in a world of ether

  • a way to explain this is although air and water are seperated
  • there is air in water and fish extract the air through their gills to breath


  • although matter and ether are seperated
  • ether is in all matter

Ether hasnt been measured but it has been utalized to create so whats the real proof S

Quantum mechanics today focuses on what is small super small and this makes it really fucking hard to measure since our scientific system is based on measurement there of course is going to be a shit ton of flaws


We can learn about Quantum mechanics through our surrounding and through space not just particales

  • We dont think we can because of the flaws that the modern world has convinced us that particals are real
  • matter is real
  • you are real
  • I am real

When in reality we are just we we are one

I have a background in computers A realization I had is when I was designing a web application .

In this application the data came from a central database but the component was just a wrapper to display the data If the component had consciousness it would say this is my data these are my ideas

when in reality he was just the way the data was manifested because of the way it was designed and shaped

We are just components that can handle data from a higher source there may never be a way to prove this but that doesnt meen it doesnt exist.

Quantum mechanics proves this by showing how entangled particals can transmit information faster than the speed of light

This breaks all laws of classical mechanics. I dont believe this only happens on a sub atomic level I believe this happens on all levels because of the universal and mystical law AS ABOVE SO BELOW.

Why doesnt modern day science reflect this. It is due to our egos, It is due to our system, It is due to us sucking albert einstein off.

We would have to admit that we are all fucking stupid and know nothing and this would break a lot of fucking peoples mind so we just keep teaching classical physics and mechanics because it is generally correct or a good way to explain stuff

It is just like religion einstein is Sciences Jesus he said a lot of stuff that was pretty accurate and he was straight up spitting, but was he right about it all just because he was the current messiah???

No because he had to translate into a language that limited his ability too fully express the energy he was recieving from the ether AND THEN... that information went through a medium or 2 and then was again limited by our perseption of the information he was trying to express

If we allowed our brains to understand things that cant be proven and dropped our egos and admited we do not understand the world arround us we would break our bounds and be able to recieve and create a world thats closer to whats actually going on

We need to verify everything in modern day cyber security we are moving to a Zero Trust Model from a trust but verify we need to do the same with science

We need to do the same with religion we need to do the same with all theories we cant be limited with another persons viewpoint of the world because they were just trying their best and gave you some ideas but we need to develope our own and unlearn everything.

If two people become entagled in the quantum realm through unmeasurable forces like love information could be transmitted faster than the speed of light

  • at the speed of light time stops so its instant

This is proof of telepathic abalities and opens the door for meta physics and physics to blend together so we can actually understand the real world instead of being limited within the bounds of science.