Stoned Philousafoures Rex:
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Stoned Philousafoures Rex: 

  • Avatar of ric de yuga 😄
    ric de yuga 😄

The Stoned Boy

For centuries, the alchemists of Spain and Europe scoured the Earth for the Philosopher’s Stone. They turned lead to gold in their minds, charted celestial paths for hidden wisdom, and whispered incantations in candle-lit chambers, yet the true transmutation eluded them. Kings and queens fed on their words, funding great voyages across oceans, believing that somewhere, beyond the fog, lay the answer.

Manifesting the Greener Grass On The Other Side

But the truth was this: they searched for what they did not understand. They sought eternal wealth, infinite life, and boundless wisdom outside themselves, never grasping that the Philosopher’s Stone was not a thing to be found, but a thing to be realized.

And so, with hearts filled with longing, they sailed westward. The green fields of Europe were not enough; the gold of Africa was not enough; the silk and spices of the East were not enough. What they sought had to be further still—had to be a new world, something beyond comprehension. America became their stone, their fantasy made real. It shimmered with the promise of endless land, rivers that ran with possibility, mountains that might be hiding elixirs. To them, it was the philosopher’s dream, a place where anything could be turned into gold.

Manifesting And Transporting Their Gold to California

Yet, in the process of seeking, they took, consumed, and conquered. Their hunger was insatiable, their wisdom still lacking. What they built was not enlightenment, but a new kind of alchemy—one that turned forests into cities, rivers into veins of commerce, and the people of the land into ghosts. They claimed to have found the stone, but still, they did not know how to hold it.

Then, one day, a boy named Ric was born. He had no throne, no crown, no fleet of ships. He did not seek the stone because, from the moment he opened his eyes, he was the stone. He carried within him the knowledge that others had long lost: that the greatest transformation is not the turning of earth into wealth, but the turning of self into wisdom.

May I say something to you to give you a true knowledge of yourself and life Man in the full knowledge of himself is a superb and supreme creature of creation When man becomes possessor of the knowledge of himself He becomes the master of his environment

Ric walked among ruins that once held great altars to the pursuit of gold. He saw the remnants of a world that had tried to manifest power instead of truth. In his hands, he carried what only some kings and some alchemists had ever grasped—a vision that could not be stolen, mined, or traded. It was not the gold of the earth, nor the stone of legend, but something greater: the ability to see, to create, to dream beyond borders.

'To Love Your Biggest Barrier, Means You Are Becoming Love'

As he grew, Ric did what the alchemists never could. He did not seek; he became. He did not conquer; he built. He did not hoard; he shared. And where he walked, the land flourished, for the true Philosopher’s Stone was never meant to be found—it was meant to be realized.

As True Power Can't Be Controlled, but rather Harnessed, You dont tell the sun what to do, Rather admire ones shine, let it charge you, dont let it burn you

You Can Fly Close To The Sun You Just Need To Fly With Love đŸ„°